1631 photos   12604 visits

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Hello all!I am a fan of Miley Cyrus :) I`m not Miley Cyrus.My name is Anna but everybody calls me DeDee. :D So.. I`m 14.Soon .. 15! :) Wohoo!If you are a hater,you can go away:P .If you`re a "Faker" .. OMG!Don`t try to give me comments!Because I will delete them ;) So.. the bad comments and the comments from fakes (Of Miley,Selena,Demi,Ashley,Vanessa,Jasmine V,Justin B etc.) will be deleted. ;) Have fun on my page! ;) x

Comments • 1

xBlueLips 11 July 2010  
HeLlO [ (L) ]
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